When filing your tax return, you do not need to send the IRS your health care documents. However, you should keep all of your documents to ensure you are reporting your health insurance coverage accurately. This includes: There are three health insurance forms Form 1095-A (Health Insurance Marketplace Statement) When you purchase health insurance through […]
Believe it or not, something as simple as your filing status determines your filing requirements, standard deduction, tax credit eligibility, and your overall tax. Each tax year has a standard deduction based off of your filing status which is adjusted annually due to inflation. There are five filing statuses: Single: If you are unmarried and […]
You can deduct casualty and theft losses for both personal use property and income-producing business property. Prior to tax year 2018, special limitations did not apply. For tax years 2018 through 2025, if you are an individual, casualty losses of personal-use property are deductible only if the loss is attributable to a federally declared disaster. Destruction […]
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