If you have a refund, you are not subject to any penalties.
There is a failure to file penalty (also known as the late filing penalty) for taxpayers who file after the April 15 deadline, and owe the IRS taxes.
The Failure to File penalty is based on how late you file your tax return and the amount of unpaid tax as of the original payment due date (not the extension due date).
You are subject to:
The minimum filing penalty is the LESSER of two amounts: 100% of the tax required to be shown on the return that you did not pay on time, OR a specific dollar amount subject to change annually due to inflation. Below are the specific dollar amounts:
If after 5 months you still have not paid, the Failure to File penalty will max out, but the Failure to Pay penalty continues until the tax is paid, up to its maximum of 25% of the unpaid tax as of the due date.
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